It all started with my
fishing plan for species XY and I guess I deserved my new nickname from him -
Desperate Lonely Single Woman.
Well, for those who are interested, here is the final score for fishing.
*drum roll* *drum roll* I
WON by
quantity with two phone numbers, one free CD sample and being picked up once. However, the rest of group would argue with me
quality-wise, as boys actually got one
opposite sex's phone number each and she got the email address from a Brazilian guy. But..but, am I allowed to fool to myself that I won the contest
still??? Come on! I am
Anyway, my 4 days Easter weekend started with a flat warming which the conversations
took a turn for the worse when
geeks started talking about cricket. I decided to
walk away as I wasn't in a mood of making a effort, but looking forwards to my weekend in Taupo and Rotorua. Fortunately, he came to rescue me out! I didn't have to drive, but keeping up all the nasty sarcasm from him until I lost my voice wasn't an easy job either. I enjoyed his company even the 4 hours road trip in a small limited space
almost made us
kill each other :P It has been a long while that I spent such a long time with him without feeling the
The weekend in Taupo and Rotorua was very spontaneous and relaxing! We did a lot of
walking around Lake Taupo,
dancing like crazy during Jambalaya (a festival of rhythm, dance and carnival), doing all sort of
gymnastic flips at playground, and
soaking into nature hot spring...
Mummm~~ even though all my arms, legs and abs were so sore the next couple of days. The highlight of the weekend has to be
sneaking into the
backstage of the Saturday Party 2 hours before it started. There was this fantastic Brazilian group rehearsing on stage. Their performers amazed all of us. We just can't refuse but to dance with the
rhythm in that awesome
carnival atmosphere! It was like we had our own band and we danced like no one was watching! Ironically, my freestyle was categorised as
Samba by our group and I was told I was such a brilliant Samba dancer by nature!! I was almost out of breath after a song or two, but I had so much fun and freedom to do all sort of crazy things!! Another achievement was that I also completed my
Trampoline 101 with basic bouncy rhythm and I can't wait to see my master next time to learn real flips!!
We came back on Sunday afternoon and I went tutoring the kids. This week's challenge was how to
break up and
parenting skills (Me?!?!) I must had given at least an hour extra counselling session for the teenager and the Mum. By the time I came home for dinner, it was 9 pm and I was starving and exhausted!!
However, there was no time to be lazy, so I went to do my two hours coastline
tramping with him from Mildford to Browns Bay. Fortunately I didn't get too wet, considering it was Easter Monday which according to Slovakian tradition, all the girls are receiving
buckets of
water from guys for blessing! After the tramping, we had some lunch at this recommended cafe to
reward ourselves for all the hardwork we did that morning. I couldn't help but showed off my latest passion for Latin music when he drop me back home (Yeah, I know! Can you believe it? I actually bought some CDs at Jambalaya) in return for his
Easter eggs.
After my grocery shopping and cooking, I was finally able to sit down with a cup of tea and my book after this energetic long weekend! I am now so ready to go back to work tomorrow!!