Saturday, August 09, 2008

It had been two months since I was in the hub. I was feeling a little bit apprehensive, especially I wasn't buddying up with anyone and it was late at night.

I had a girl and I feel really humble afterward. There isn't too many chances in life that one can talk to the old oneself and I was lucky to do so tonight. She made me realised that I have come a long way living with my stubbornness and high expectations, and suffering from my guilt and demon.

I was in great agitation after I put down the phone as I felt that it was such a privilege to give that hope to someone who is struggling in a similar way as I used to be. Now, coming out from the other end of the tunnel, I was able to sympathy and to give her my rapport. I meant every single word that I said to her and I was talking to the old me too. My words were powerful and important to me as I reinforced and validated my own success in my own journey. Once again, I always got out a lot from the call.