Friday, February 13, 2009


I am feeling threaten and suspicious of her intention. It sounded too much like an excuse to spend time with him alone when really, it was MY idea to give her the ride home rather than his.

Jealousy! Jealousy! Jealousy!

Oi!! 手給我放乾淨點喔!!!!


NimRock said...

Sometimes it can help to reliase Jealously is usually other complex emotions mixed together. Try and figure out what feelings underly your jealously and how much of it each feeling makes up.

Perhaps your scared of loosing someone or being hurt.

Perhaps you feel bad when attention is on someone else not you.

Perhaps your angry, or sad, or bittah?

Once you know why your jealous it can be easier to be rational about it and feel calmer...

Or at least it worked for me.

(I read some big thing on this, which helped a lot if I can find it later I'll mail it to you)