Monday, January 09, 2006

Lasik laser eye surgery

Going through this Lasik eye laser surgery is the bravest thing that I have ever done after bungy jumping!!!! I think I must have had a too boring life here in Taiwan for too long to ever consider it. Even when I think about it now, I still can't believe a person as 龜毛 (irresolute and indecisive) and ridiculous overcareful as me would have done it!!!! Would I recommend anyone to do it? Well, not if you are 櫻櫻美代子 (very bored) wanting to find some adventure in life or/and such a gambler like me!!!

I was freaking out while I was lying there. However, I was told that I was a very cooperated patient so the operation went very smoothly. The surgical team said, from their experience, female patients are much calmer than males and don't move as much as males. One of the nurse explained that very wittily,
" Yes, that's because females are too scared to MOVE and
guys are so scared that they move indiscriminately"

Did I laugh? No way! I was too scared to move (exactly!) coz they had only had done my right eye!!!

I am okay after my surgery so far. Not blind yet, maybe in 10+ years, who knows :P. 24 hours after the surgery, my worst eye was having a 20/20 (1.0) version while the other is 24/20 (1.2) last Friday. I am going to see the doctor again this Wednesday and hopefully my test will tell me more about the recovering. In a way, the surgery was a success so far, but I am still not 100% ease or celebrate it yet as I can still see some glare and I have to put different eye drops into my eyes every couple of hours to prevent infection and help recovery.

There are some regretful side effects that no one has warmed me and now I am suffering...

  1. I couldn't do any reading, watch TV or computer for 24 hours. That was the most boring time in my whole life. I had to LISTEN to the TV!! Fortunately I had 3 different eye drops that kept me busy. My life entertainment depended on those "every 1-2 hours", "every 4 hours" and "right after every meal" eye drops. How exciting!!
  2. I haven't washed my hairs for 5 days coz I am too chicken to do so. Mum said that's nothing. During 坐月子 (the month that after delivery the baby), she couldn't wash her hairs for a whole month! (Chinese tradition!) Well, I guess, I better start getting used to it! And yes, I haven't used any cleanser to wash my face nor any lotion...:(


Anonymous said...

gambate ne (good luck)
