Friday, July 27, 2007

Being Famous

This is what I am up to with my 14 kids. And yes, they kindly didn't put my age there. It's 17 if anyone is wondering :p

As you can see, my colleague had a bad hair day, so his job was talking to the reporter and mine is to look pretty in the photo. What do you think? Do you think I did a good job :p

Our section has been in the press quite a bit this year. First the Herold, Asianz, IPENZ newsletter, and then the local newspaper. This celebrity ripple continues when my TV reporter friend called me up and asked whether or not she can do a story on me ... :$


lightspirits said...

I have to say that you looked very serious in the photo, as if you're about to spank the kids with that folder if they misbehaved ^^

Dandelion said...

Really?! We were actually talking about Harry Potter, Transformer and The Simpsons Movie. I was surprised that they all seemed looking forwards The Simpsons Movie more rather than Harry Potter! Personally, I think Harry rocks! :)

lightspirits said...

Ah well, Harry Potter lost me as a reader ever since "order of the phoenix".
I still like the earlier books, but I find the later ones to be fulled of anger, hatred, squabble & fighting, too dark & unpleasant for my taste.
Which might have explained why you looked so serious (as someone who likes the dark dark HP) and the kids looks happy ^^

Ok, half joking~