Sunday, July 29, 2007

The End

He was running late, so I went wondering around the market and bought some wool socks for my cold feet. How come I have never thought about this idea before! It feels so good and warm!!!! :)

Tonight, we went to see Perfume: The Story of A Murder first. It's actually quite a main-stream film, I found. It's a thrilling story about this guy killing women to make the best/powerful perfume in the world. My heart went with him totally and didn't mind the killing at all. The music was really appealing too.

We then had few hours to kill before our next film, so we went to have some dinner. He tried to tell me how wrong it is to go to Denny's when his friend organising a night out. It was quite hard for me to understand his point as food is food and as long as I am not cooking it, I enjoy any food generally speaking. However, when he started using "Shoes" as an analogy, it made much more sense strangely!

Anyway, the LAST of my eight film festival movies is a Korean film - No mercy for the Rude. (Any loyal reader wants to take my challenge to list them all? ;)) It's in a quite bloody and cute kind of way. I think I have to watch more of this direction's films to understand his style more. After the film it was almost midnight and I was really tired, but I decided we should go to Denny's so I can experience what he meant as I had never been to Denny's. Well, I still think the place is okay, but now I sort of can relate to his feeling. It's like when you are looking for a pair of shoes, sometimes, the style, the price, the colour, the size and the comfort aren't all that perfect for you. When that happens, it's really annoying! Apparently, it's like that for him. When he is looking for a nice night out with friends, going to Danny's is just too disappointing.

By the time, I drop him back to his car, it was really late and I was absolutely too exhausted to go anywhere but home (Universe has a mystery way loving me!). Then his surprising sniffing my neck gave me a stun as we hugged goodnight to each other.

"What's that for?"
I said with a puzzled expression on my face. "You know," smiled he with a child-like grin, "like the movie Perfume :p"

"No...we aren't going to get you alcohol tonight! Not after what I heard about what happened to you last time!"
"Oh..nononon. We better get you out of here. You were right! You does have some gambling problem!"

- I DO NOT have a drinking or gambling problem. Really!