Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Stroke & Stride

The weather was so shitting that she and I were totally sulked after the swim&run event finished. It looked like it was us who had just swam 1 km and run 3 km! Those tough participate were all drier than me as they came prepared with changing gear.

I didn't feel too comfortable because of the wet cloth, so we had some dodgy kebab and then just sat in the car and chat. Thank you for sharing and trusting me. I am glad that I could be there for you and listen. Making a decision as such is brave. It's a big step and I know you have thought things through rationally. I wish I could just tell you to follow your heart and your dream without worry, but I am also glad that I was honest with you and let you know my anxiety. I support your decision, but I had to speak up, not because I wanted to change your mind, but because I had to and because I care for you.

Do what feel right for you and I am here to support you.

Jesus! Not on the public road!