Thursday, December 27, 2007

Zilina (ZA)

I have never came to Zilina by car and I had to give direction based on my memory from 4 years ago???!! :o I was amazed how vivid my memory is to the place, where I called home for a year. However, my wonderful memory didn't help as I only knew the pedestrian way that our car couldn't get through :x. After driving in circles for 15 min, I was finally home!

Somehow it didn't feel as homey as before. All the people who I lived with aren't here anymore. Besides, due to Christmas holiday most of places were close and the place looked quite empty. I visited the path I used to walk everyday and I also went to my old company. It's still very nostalgic to be back though.

  • After driving in circles, I was finally back to Zilina
  • Visiting his family again.
  • I spent most of my awake time talking about intense intellectual issues, such as train operation modelling (CPN software), banker's algorithm for avoiding deadlock, Petri Nets (math language), Stanica (NGO who provides culture space for the community), Mobility Week (Cycle PT), Mulica movement, Zilina's politics/conflict with the latest commercial complex, life couching, meaning of life and happiness, how to be attractive to women, how to be an active citizens, ecologically friendly etc.
    "I would love to indroduce you two together as I can see you two will click straight away"
    "Yes, maybe, but you have to keep him long enough for us to meet!"
  • Almost embarrassed myself, but saved by the aunt this time
  • " I have seen you naked!" "So do you want to see it again?" :x
  • Slovak women are so talent! All the food from bread, cakes, ginger bread house, wine, to tea are homemade. The most precious gifts people brings to important meeting such as first visiting to in-law-to-be are not expansive artifitual gifts from department store, but homemade food - cakes, sweet, and bread
  • A ride from Zilina to Poprad -150 km/hr. The mother was so nervous about meeting her son's in-laws.
  • Food: Borovicka (Spirit), the most tasty cabbage soups with homemade bread, more homemade cookies and cakes, 2 different homemade bread, Krusovice (Beer), eggs+pork+cheese+capsicum+potato salad, homemade blackberry wine, homemade herb tea (the aunt collect 10 or 12 different herb and followers all year around and blend them. She even gave me a bag! Again, what a hospitality!), and fried fish fillet with potato salad


Anonymous said...

Thanks my dear, it was nice to spend the two days with you!
