Friday, June 09, 2006

Yeah? So? I am...

I thought being single was the coolest!

You could do a lot of crazy things and say heaps of blunt statements without feeling guilty or worried about what other people may think of you. There have been a lot of experimental attempts with massive satisfaction ;) If anyone had questioned me, I could have had just replied,

"Yeah? So what? I'm single!! Of course, I'm in title to do/say things like that!" I could have had just shrugged and people would have had accepted it. It's like the new "Black Jokes"!!

However, tonight someone has just burst my bubble :( I found out that "I am single!" is not nearly as cool as "I am an art student!" It's true!! You can pull anything off. Everyone would expect the most quirky things to be absolutely normal if it comes from an art student! How could I possibly compete with "I made slippers out of cardboard and wear them" or "I picked up a pie delivery tray and am going to carry it across half of the city." I wish I could be an art student,too. *sniff* *sniff*

Oh wait, I just have an brilliant idea! I am going to make "I AM Anita!!" cooler than "I am an art student!" (Yeah... right! Somehow I don't see that happening...but that could definitely make it into my random-do list!)