Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sorry! Challenge!

I was ONE STEP away (literally) from two and a half weeks to
  1. Be the first juror got selected;
  2. Sleep in one extra hour;
  3. Away from work;
  4. Probably end up working during weekend;
  5. See all evidences and have the trail experience; and
  6. See this cute court officer…he is such an eye candy!! :$
But I was challenged…..:(

Sure. I am not taking it personally, as the defendant lawyer was only practising his right! (Yeah, Right!) But..but dear Sir, couldn't you make up your mind a bit faster?! I was already apprehensive about whether or not I really wanted to sit on that seat because once I sat down there was no turning back! Well, at least he said he was sorry and I got to take my surveyor back with me. He got challenged, too.