Monday, December 31, 2007

Lucenec, Banska Bystrica (BB), Rozomberok

It's really great to get out of Roznava and move on finally. She picked me up from Lucenec and we went to her home. It's an amazing house and it reminds me of my home in Taiwan.
  • It's the biggest house that I have ever seen in Slovakia! It's like a hotel! No wonder she studied hospitality).
  • It's so modern too (heated floor)! Her father and her grandfather built it themselves 15 years ago. It took them 3 years to build - block by block.
  • They are the most healthy family I have ever met in Slovakia. They even have the same filter jar as his!
We seemed to have a lot in common and it was great to click with someone and have some decent conversation! We chatted about spirituality, yoga, feeling antisocial, depression, counselling, relationships, 6 thinking hats (we are both black), how to make decision, grieving, my feeling about being back Slovakia etc. She then showed me around in Lucenec and it was bed time after some homemade wine. I am happy today!

I am really sick of packing and unpacking now after moving around for 10 days, but I had to keep on going. Too little time, too many people/things to meet/achieve. After saying goodbye to her family (her mother even pack me more sweet for the road), I headed to my Silvester Party (New Year Eve Party)

I really enjoy being by myself and sitting on either train or bus. It's the precious time for me to reflect how I feel after full-on seeing friends. The hardest thing during this trip so far has been in a familiar place and experience how I felt in 2003. There is nothing I can do, but to sit with those feelings. Few people's names have been in my mind. It's rather sweet-sour. There is nothing I want to change, but I still wonder what I would feel, if things were different. Would I feel anything different, if we were still together or/and if he was here with me. However, it turns out to be for the best that I come back to Europe alone this time. If I have taken anyone with me like I wished in 2003, I wouldn't experience the same. It would be great to be able to point here and there and say that's where I had done this and that, but I wouldn't have the chance to experience what I am experiencing.

I love Banska Bystrica (BB)!! It gave me the REAL SNOW!!! :D The real BIG snow flaks was FALLING from the sky and covered me in white!! I spent three hours in BB and tried to look for the trace of me and others. My back was killing me though as I had to carry my backpack for the whole time, but the snow made it all worthwhile. I then moved to Rozomberok to be picked up. I was a little worried as there was no network for a while and I couldn't find my driver to Oravska Lesna. It was fine in the end and I saw LOTS of SNOW in Oravska Lesna!

  • Wonderful house and healthy family
  • Connecting with similar mind
  • Looking around Lucenec. Saw the ruining of a Jewish Synagogue
  • Peaceful reflection bus ride to Banska Bystrica
  • Little incident in Rozomberok
  • Food: more homemade sweets, Roast Duck, Red cabbage, steamed dumping, finally have light breakfast and lunch with my choice.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Roznava (RZ)

I came to Roznava where I spend my first Christmas in 2003. The first thing after arrival was visiting the grandma. "Moja mala! Moja mala!!". She cooked one of my favour Slovak national dish - Halusky! Now I can leave Slovakia without any regard! The grandma was hugging and kissing me warmly. She was holding my hand the whole time when she was querying my family, my job, my relationship etc. like I was her real granddaughter. She is a very sensitive, caring and wise grandmother who kept everything I gave her, such as my address and her Chinese name I wrote.

His name got mentioned quite a few times during this visit and I was really surprised at their memory on all the little things I told them. However, I got really frustrated after 2 days here though, as the boringness was driving me crazy. I monitored my frustration during my excess spare time and practice my assertiveness and patience, but I knew it's for the best that I moved on.

Snow!! Thank you, Roznava! (Well, again not real snow, but I have lowered my standard of what I call snow now! :( )

  • Visit grandma
  • Sitting in the bar and around Slovak people, I was the only one drinking pivo?! What's wrong with the nation or me? :x
  • Checking the town. Nice service in the information center.
  • Shopping!! Memory food - Kofola (Coke kind of soft drink), 3 Bit (chocolate bar), Horalky (waffle sweet), Figaro (chocolate), Milka (chocolate). I also bought a light jacket because it was 50% off :p
  • Intense intelligence (ZA) v.s. Boringness (RZ). I got really bored, so I decided to move on, but where should I go?
  • Drinking party - boring for me, but I was really appreciated her brother and her boyfriend who tried their best to include me. :)
  • Food: Bryndzove Halusky (yum!), more homemade cookies and cakes, pizza, Zlaty Bazant (Beer), Lubinkine Spaghetti, chicken with rice, Hurka (Black pudding) with bread, wine, roast chicken with pineapple and honey (with potato, of course!), French/Hungarian toast, vege soup, Bird (deep fried stuff meat - chicken with orange, pineapple and raisin), Potato (again!)

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Zilina (ZA)

I have never came to Zilina by car and I had to give direction based on my memory from 4 years ago???!! :o I was amazed how vivid my memory is to the place, where I called home for a year. However, my wonderful memory didn't help as I only knew the pedestrian way that our car couldn't get through :x. After driving in circles for 15 min, I was finally home!

Somehow it didn't feel as homey as before. All the people who I lived with aren't here anymore. Besides, due to Christmas holiday most of places were close and the place looked quite empty. I visited the path I used to walk everyday and I also went to my old company. It's still very nostalgic to be back though.

  • After driving in circles, I was finally back to Zilina
  • Visiting his family again.
  • I spent most of my awake time talking about intense intellectual issues, such as train operation modelling (CPN software), banker's algorithm for avoiding deadlock, Petri Nets (math language), Stanica (NGO who provides culture space for the community), Mobility Week (Cycle PT), Mulica movement, Zilina's politics/conflict with the latest commercial complex, life couching, meaning of life and happiness, how to be attractive to women, how to be an active citizens, ecologically friendly etc.
    "I would love to indroduce you two together as I can see you two will click straight away"
    "Yes, maybe, but you have to keep him long enough for us to meet!"
  • Almost embarrassed myself, but saved by the aunt this time
  • " I have seen you naked!" "So do you want to see it again?" :x
  • Slovak women are so talent! All the food from bread, cakes, ginger bread house, wine, to tea are homemade. The most precious gifts people brings to important meeting such as first visiting to in-law-to-be are not expansive artifitual gifts from department store, but homemade food - cakes, sweet, and bread
  • A ride from Zilina to Poprad -150 km/hr. The mother was so nervous about meeting her son's in-laws.
  • Food: Borovicka (Spirit), the most tasty cabbage soups with homemade bread, more homemade cookies and cakes, 2 different homemade bread, Krusovice (Beer), eggs+pork+cheese+capsicum+potato salad, homemade blackberry wine, homemade herb tea (the aunt collect 10 or 12 different herb and followers all year around and blend them. She even gave me a bag! Again, what a hospitality!), and fried fish fillet with potato salad

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas in Cadca

It's all about eating so far! My jet lag is also almost gone due to all the yummy food and sweet! It's white outside, except it wasn't snowing :(

I love Slovak's hospitality! I have been eating nonstop for two days!! (my goal of losing weight during this travelling is not happening so far!) For those who know my comment on my first impression on Slovakia 4 years ago ( Man's Heaven - beautiful women, cheap beer and ugly guys), I have to joyfully announce the news - Slovak men has evolved for better in the last 4 years!! :D

Christmas Eve
  • People starved for the whole day
  • Lots of homemade sweets (I have eaten 7 different cookies and cakes).
  • It's great that we went for a walk before dinner or I would feel so guilty eating that much of food. The town is very empty, but the grave yard was busy in comparison.
  • "Nice scarf" "It's from T" "This is from S" :p
  • Txt from NZ warmed my heart. Texts from NZ are also text from the future.
  • Candle set ornament (some people light up a candle four Sundays ahead)
  • Watched typical Slovak/Russian fairytale Christmas movies: Mrazik (Father Frost), Perinbaba, Popoluska (Cinderella). I also watched the Shrek's Christmas special in Slovak, of course! Oh! The guys from CSI are so sexy while they all speak in Slovak!
  • Dinner started with a prayer
  • White wine
  • The mother cut the bread, put a honey cross on the rice paper and put into bread, which is a representative for the cattle.
  • Then the mother gave each of us the rice paper with honey cross and also put honey cross on our forehead
  • First course: Potato with milk (it started light as people had fasted for the whole day, not me though :p I can't not eating when there were full of food on the table. That is against my religious.
  • Second course: Cabbage soup with potato
  • Third course: Cabbage with potato
  • Main course: Fishes with potato salad (For religion reason, Catholics here don't eat meat)
  • Some money was put under the table cloth until 6/Jan (Three Kings' day) when all the Christmas ornaments are taken down and the money will be donated to the poor or church.
  • Dinner finished with another prayer.
  • Presents opening. Guess what I got Tatransky Caj (52% alcohol!!) My alcoholic reputation is back
  • Midnight Mass. I was going, but after so much food, alcohol and sweet, I just couldn't open my eyes. My jet lag (? maybe it's more to do with alcohol and food :x) kicked in around 8pm, which has been the best so far.
Christmas Day
She and her mother went to the midnight mess and I pretty much fell into sleep around 10pm after they left and didn't even hear them coming back in (good old ear plugs). On Christmas day, I went to the 9am Mass and it was a quiet time for me to do more reflection. After came back to her place, there were more food on the table!! The mother even packed me food for Zilina. What a hospitality! I accepted the offer because I know it will make her very proud and happy. This culture is quite Chinese, I find.
  • Morning Mass. *Kiss* *Kiss* " :o Piece to you! You weren't supposed to kiss me!"
  • Bread with garlic spread, Bread with ham+cheese+capsicum+tomato, little eyes (bread kebab), chicken soup with noodles and liver, deep fried pork with potato salad

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Bratislava and Cadca

Travelling again back to Europe is quite emotional after 4 years, I guess. However, that didn't kick in until I arrived Slovakia this morning. SNOW!! Or at least some pathetic white-pretending stuff falling from the sky when I got off the train. Welcome me I guess. The train station is still the same, but the display board is digital now. The city itself is more colourful with new buildings. I managed to use my rusty Slovak to get myself bus ticket and found my way to the MC flat.

After a catch-up and lovely lunch, I moved north to where I am spending Christmas. My jet lag is still pretty bad. I seem to wake up at 4am and dozed off around 5pm in the last 2days. I almost didn't make it to change train in Zilina, but fortunately, I still remember enough little details to recognise the city and managed to jump off the train in time.

I continued my drinking record for the 3rd night with Slivo with hot tea... :$

  • No more border control. There is no longer custom officers came on the train and stamp my passport due to the Schengen agreement (no border within EU countries)
  • Snow or something like that
  • Feeling emotional and homy to be back to Slovakia
  • Catch up with him and chat about Slovak politics and EU impact (me? politics? Must be his influence)
  • Almost missed Zilina and Cadca because of falling into sleep
  • Internet!! Yay! :D
  • Food: Goulash, Korbaciky (cheese, sheep milk) Slivo with hot tea

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Stuggart, Esslingen, Nurnberg and Vienna

Stuttgart and Esslingen
It's not snowing, but it was surely cold when I stepped outside in Frankfurt airport. I caught the IC train to Stuttgart and there was him waiting for me. He is the first familiar face I have seen and he is also going to be the last as we are both flying out of Heathrow in January. After a quick tour of his house, we hit the city center. The plan was having hot wine in the evening, but we ended up having it at 11am. It hit me so strongly that I found it so difficult to concentrate. I guess, jet lag and alcohol do not go well together after 24 hour flights. The redness? The cold weather made it all reasonable :$ I had a power nap at 3pm after all the sightseeing and managed to go to the Middle Age Christmas market in Esslingen in the evening.

  • -5C? What does it mean? Cold! :#
  • Mercedes and Porsche are everywhere in Stuttgart
  • Heated seat in his Mercedes
  • Where does the green colour go? Oh wait! It's winter I forgot!
  • Hot wine hit me badly
  • Sightseeing: Finnish Christmas market, Old palace, New palace, Christmas market
  • Middle Age market was wicked with open fire, hot spa and coffee house.
  • Catch up with him
  • Sleeping around culture is back
  • Food: Laugen (bread), Amaretto (hot wine), sugar coated almonds, Brezel (pretzel), Spatzle (pasta-ish food with cabbage), Deie (oven baked bread)
Nurnberg and Vienna
After a good night sleep (apart from waking up at 4am in the morning), I am still convinced that ear plugs are in fact still the best human invention! I didn't even hear my alarm ringing for 21 minute! The traffic was a bit congested so 200 km/hr was unfortunately the highest speed we were travelling in his Mercedes. I caught up my train just in time and had my first class experience - nothing really special. I dozed off again around 4pm and felt so tired!

She was there picking me up and Vienna was slightly whiter-ish than Stuttgart but still no snow yet :( After dinner, we went to the Christmas market and two more hot punches. Again, I found it hard to concentrate (Anita + jet lag + alcohol + any transport = sleepy red Anita :$) and I just wanted to sleep, but I managed to have a quick look around and found myself nostalgic about the place.

  • 200 km/hr on highway
  • -berg means mountain, -burg means fortress
  • Vienna finally a more familiar place
  • What can two transportation modellers talk about? Modelling! :x
  • The famous ice cream place is still there
  • Food: Schnitzel (deep fried pork fillet and potato), Berry punch, coconut punch

Friday, December 21, 2007


I'll try to update my blog as often as possible, but it's going to be more or less like a bullet point travelling blog in the next 7 weeks.

I have to admit that I was quite nostalgic during my 24+ hour journey. I recalled what I was feeling 2003 and how I am feeling 4 years after. There are things I lost in the last 4 years, but generally speaking, I have gained much more in my life.
  • There were people who were my rocks and I was holding their hands; now they are no longer be with me, but I have also met new people who fulfill my life and bring me joys.
  • I was once young, naive, skinny and my future was full of unknown; now I know my way around Europe
  • I didn't know anyone on this continent; now I am visiting everyone I met in that year
  • I wanted to bring someone special back to Slovakia to share this special memory of mine; 4 years later, I am alone back to this continent

Auckland - Hong Kong
Every time I passed custom, I was so afraid that they were going to take my beautiful drinking bottle away. At Auckland airport, the officer took a look at my sexy drinking bottle with water in it and said, I had to get rid it or drink it all - that's a lot of water to drink!! :o I was panicking as I love my new bottle, so I looked around and had a cunning plan quickly to save it.
"Can I water the plant??" I asked
"I don't know what you are talking about, but I am not watching!" He turned his head away and without second thought, I quickly tipped everything into the plant. Phew~~ Saved! He was then amazed at how quickly I can drink the water!

I haven't been sleeping much in the last 3 days, so it was no surprised that I fell into sleep even before the plane took off. However, I managed to stay awake and watched all the films that I want to watch on the way to Hong Kong. Then, I was so sleepy after 11 hour flight that I didn't have the energy to look after my stomach when I was in Hong Kong :p

Hong Kong - Frankfurt
There was a little accident before me boarding the right plane and I blamed the tiredness though . While, I was hugging my bag and sleeping outside of Gate 68, an airline attendant came to every passenger and asked what flight we were taking.
"CX285" I said
"You are in the wrong gate." He said and directed me to Gate 66.

Who would expect there to be TWO flights to the same city within an hour apart?!!! :( Anyway, I hurried up to the right gate and was the last person on board. I drifted off for the entire 12 hour flight and felt like a zombie when I arrived Frankfurt. There must be a big "Leave me along" sign on my face on my way to Stuttgart. It was 6am in the morning after 24+ hour flight. You can't blame me, can you?

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I was right! I knew I was going to be very stressed out!!! I have been lacked of sleep and been drinking V for the last 3 days!! There seems to be a million things to organise and to confirm. Fortunately, I finally finalise my 2nd night accommodation in Europe today! I know! Pretty shocking eh? :x

Work has also been very stressful with deadline and moody him. It'll all come to the end after today on way or the other.

It's again 2 am and I guess I am adjusting my time zoom already for my trip! This would be possibliy my last post before my holiday. Thus, enjoy reading it and pondering when I am away :)

Marry X'mas and Happy New Year :D

Thursday, December 13, 2007

We Won!!

I didn't go to bed until 3am this morning and I can't believe that I am still standing somehow! :o

Moreover, we won!!! Yay! My first win ever since I join my company 2 years ago! (exclude those wins by default or the opponent team lent us their players when we were down players and we ended up winning :x)

I saw this guy charging towards me and I was brave (or stupid) enough to challenge him! I tackled (I got the ball!! ;)) and then the next thing I knew was I got knocked out!!!. I flew backwards after the impact and landed on my head. It hurt quite a bit and I couldn't move or say anything for a while with my eyes close. Then slowly I opened my eyes and wiped off painful tears on my face, I said,

My team-mate carried me off the field. It took me a while to be aware of my surrounding again. Slowly, people filled me up with detail and I started remembering. However, it was worth it as the guy got sent off and we scored another goal!!!! :D Of course, I took the credit for our tremendous win!!!

I am still feeling a bit dizzying, but feeling much better now!

Last minute efficiency

I am much more efficient(?) when it's last minute! However, if that's the way I get things done, that is the way. I archived quite a bit in term of sorting out my 7 weeks holiday today - digging out currency, finding winter clothes, checking train schedule, connection, planning travel route and confirming where to go in slovakia etc. I'm pretty pleased that I stayed home and got some things done tonight.

My night was quite easy and relax until a surprise visitor came knocking on my window. We couldn't believe how time could fly this fast when we enjoyed each other's company. It was 2 am when I was once again alone. I stayed up even later as I was sorting out my first 2 days in Europe. It was worth it as he is taking a day off to spend time with me and shows me his home! Now as I have sorted out my first night in Europe, next step is finding place to crash for the 2nd night! :x

I know that my stress level is going to escalate as the depart date getting close. So many trivia to do and so little time :(

Monday, December 10, 2007


Jesus! It's so dangerous and I can't believe that I fall in sleep behind the wheel!!

We both thought that I was so awake when I left, but I was actually exhausted. The fatigue quickly caught up with me when it's quiet and I was all by myself in the car. I was driving on the motorway when I fall into sleep completely for few macro-second. Fortunately, there was no other cars around me at that time of night, but I was having cold sweat when I suddenly woke up and realised what may have had happened!! It really freak me out and gave me a nip

You are NOT doing that again! glad you are OK :)!!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Christmas in the Park 2007

It gave me a thrill (it had nothing to do with that can of V) when I walked into the domain. The thought that it would be filled up people, which would help Youthline collecting more money, excited me.

I was doing team leader this year and it's so much fun! My team was cool and awesome!! They were so onto it and excited about collection money for Youthline! The weather held pretty well. It lured people into the domain and when everyone had sponsored Youthline generously, it started raining!!

However, I enjoyed the programme less this year. Somehow everything was better last year even the firework. It's still awesome, but I guess I was just too tired by the end of night after looking after my team members. Watching the firework was the highlight of the night! :D

The traffic was scary though! I thought I was so cunny that I parked so close to the domain! Dud! :x WRONG! It doesn't work when no cars was moving!!! It has been a long night, but I felt fulfilling and happy :)

Friday, December 07, 2007

Miss Forgetful

I must have get out of bed on the wrong side this morning :#

I drove in today and after I parked, I realised that I FORGOT my dress - the dress that we girls spend the whole night picking last night! Then I went to pay my parking. Instead of paying for the early bird rate for the whole day, I push the wrong button and only got charged for $2 dollars for an hour!!! Arrhhhhh!!!

I was almost going to go to the cocktail parking with my causal Friday dress - Jeans and T-shirt (because of no parking and bad traffic.) Then he kindly offered to go to my place all the way from Onehunga :$ He even canceled the meeting with his friend. However, just within that few minutes, when he came to pick up my house key, he got a $60 parking ticket!!!!!!

Anyway, the party went well and I finally fulfilled some people's curiosity of me dressing up, drinking and so on.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Stroke & Stride

The weather was so shitting that she and I were totally sulked after the swim&run event finished. It looked like it was us who had just swam 1 km and run 3 km! Those tough participate were all drier than me as they came prepared with changing gear.

I didn't feel too comfortable because of the wet cloth, so we had some dodgy kebab and then just sat in the car and chat. Thank you for sharing and trusting me. I am glad that I could be there for you and listen. Making a decision as such is brave. It's a big step and I know you have thought things through rationally. I wish I could just tell you to follow your heart and your dream without worry, but I am also glad that I was honest with you and let you know my anxiety. I support your decision, but I had to speak up, not because I wanted to change your mind, but because I had to and because I care for you.

Do what feel right for you and I am here to support you.

Jesus! Not on the public road!