Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A Dream Call

I got a call which is every counsellor's dream - The caller told me her issue logically and came up with her own solution in her own time.

She was confused at the beginning, but something I reflected back to her must had clarified the whole issue for her. She thanked me enthusiastically and knew exactly what she was going to do without me even trying to guide her through. I basically just sat back and relax with minimum effort and let her do all the work (which is what a counsellor is supposed to do). I feel an almost natural high after the call.

I feel very privilege and humbler to share that joy with her.

Such a good call!!

"I miss you."

Friday, September 15, 2006

Time Poor

I apologise that I haven't been updating my blog for too long. Life has been very busy....I am overdrafting with my time and very "time poor" these days. Here I am, trying to make up to my loyal readers by outlining all my excuses of neglecting this blog. I'll slowly put all my unfinished posts online soon. I promise!

Two weeks ago, I had some colleagues over and everyone brought a plate for lunch and we played Mah-jong, piano and learning guitar. We were going to have a team training for our Frisbee team as we were/are losing badly!! However, we had our first win yesterday!!!! Yeah!! It was such a significant day!! We won effortless (*shhh* never mind the bit that the opposition couldn't play so we won by default). Oh Yeah~ I temperately have a guitar and learning as badly as my Cantonese :P. Few other events I organised were share-dinners following by DVDs at my place.

I have been occupied this week with 2 Taiwan visitors (my primary schoolmate's high school classmate, who I have never met before) staying at my place, but I was busy with my counselling training/Uni class/theater ushering/assgt on Wed and Thur nights, so I haven't spent much time with them. However, I took a day off on Tuesday and showed them around. The latest Anita tour packaging included Mt. Eden, Uni, Queen St., T-Mart (Taiwanese shop) and Bakery King (Taiwanese Bakery). I know it's sad, but they seemed to enjoy them very much :P

Yes, I have been also involved with Youthline and trying to become a solo phone counsellor this year. We had a marae weekend last week and it was very special for me (even I have been to marae 3 times before). What else have I been doing? I also do FutureIntech which promoting science, engineering and technology to NZ kids by bring scientists and engineers to classrooms. I am having my first school visit in Oct at my old high school in Assembly.....It's scary, but at the same time going to be fun.

I hope it's enough to excuse my neglect of the need of my readers.

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P.S. It took me longer than I thought, but here you go - my promise to you all after 5 weeks. Phew~~ I finally caught up all the posts, but now I have slightly-less-post-debt to get out of :P

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Te Aroha

This Marae experience has been really special for me.

It really touched me deeply how ppl struggled through their lives and amazingly still breathing. I got very emotional throughout the weekend. I cried, I sang, I smiled, I gave supports, I sang more, I cried and cried. It hurt the most to see the ones whom I love, I respect and look up to, suffer through difficulties in their lives and I wasn't able to help at all. They are all brave warriors; they stood up there telling their family history, up bring, feelings and sufferings. I feel truly privilege and humbler to be there and hear all the stories from others. I didn't sleep much because I didn't want to miss out any body's sharing until 3am, but I feel very refreshing, peaceful and not tired at all.

I really wanted to get up there and acknowledge the person I love the most in the room, but I wasn't able to do it. I knew it would have brought up a series of my personal issues and I wasn't ready to face it yet. However, I managed to stand up at the closing and briefly told everyone where I am at. It was more difficult than I thought it could have been, even it was just admitting I have some unfinished business. I was so emotional that I had to pause a couple of times and ended up shedding few tears with my speech.

I am going to come back to this marae in a year's time and I want to get up to that sharing space and disclose my story to this loving whanau (family). I'll seek help from face to face counselling if necessary, so that I can be strong for others when they need me - my promise to the whanau and myself 2006.
Te aroha                             Love                   
Te whakapono Faith
Me te rangimarie And peace
Tatou tatou ee Together

Kai kaha ra Be strong
Kia manawanui Be patient
Kia u kia maia Stay the course
Tatou tatou ee All of us

Monday, September 04, 2006

Locked Out

I forgot my keys and got locked out tonight :(

It must be what I wrote on the Remark for tomorrow's Mah-Jong session. I jinxed myself by saying "Hopefully I'll be home".

The neighbour wasn't home, and bro wasn't picking up his phone. I was tired, cold and hungry, so I called my tutoring kids.

"Hey... are you guys home? Can...I...come?" I asked
"Eh...But, we are going out for dinner now"

"Umm....."I hesitated, then I said "Can...I...come? :P"

"Let me ask Mum and Dad" She said. A moment later,
" Yes, you can. Do you know this restaurant called...?" "You can meet us there."

"Eh...Umm.....Can you pick me up *^^* ?"

Yes, as you can see, I was very DESPERATE!!

I found the whole thing funny and I had to share with all my colleagues who are coming to my house tomorrow. They were all surprisingly caring about my situation and some even worried about my safely. I was touched by them.

The night ended nicely with a free dinner, brother rescuing and a song promised to dedicate (a.k.a mock) to my experience.