Live Life to the Full
I went to work and had early lunch so I could be ready for my first game - Ultimate Frisbee! Yeah yeah, I thought the same: There is no way that it could be classified as a sport! I was wrong! Very wrong!! Five minutes into the game, I regretted that I ever doubt about this sport! I was puffing like a dog! Gee~ What a tough workout! After witnessing how ppl played with 3 players spilling blood on the court today, I now understand why there were so many serious injuries (including broken bones) last season, considering it's a non-contact game (yeah right!)
After we got beaten up (which I realised later that 11:7 wasn't bad at all as the following weeks we got trashed 22:2 and then 26:2! *sniff**sniff* I better get used to losing), I spent sometime helping a colleague with modelling (Yeah! I am finally useful and no longer a 米蟲 (rice insect) at the company :P) and went to the section training. Then, I rushed off to my first ever transportation paper at Uni. It was so refreshing to get back to study again! Not to mention, I can have student discount too!! The material was rather easy understood, but fast as it combines two undergraduate papers all together. It all makes sense as long as they keep throwing me the math formula (Gee...that sounds so geeky!)
After my three hours lecture, we went for dinner until half way through it, he got a "road rescue" call from his friend. Perfect timing! I was able to fit in another activity - catching up with my Slovak girl friend who happened to be in town for the evening! We went to a bar for some drinks together and then I started to salute Indian food to her friend (he is an Indian) as it has become quite a habit to share my new passion for Indian culture whenever I meet a Indian. Then we went to see the Czech/Slovak film - Lunacy! It was a dream came true to watch a Slovak film with a real Slovak :)
The film was about what's normal, and it was disgustingly funny! There were meats, eyeballs, brains, and tongues all over the place - moving, which was rather disturbing but very cleverly done. For example, my favourite scene was after the main character got put on a restraint jacket by force, the camera slowly moved into a living modern supermarket and gazed on a fresh meat wrapped in plastic wrap - breathing.
After we got beaten up (which I realised later that 11:7 wasn't bad at all as the following weeks we got trashed 22:2 and then 26:2! *sniff**sniff* I better get used to losing), I spent sometime helping a colleague with modelling (Yeah! I am finally useful and no longer a 米蟲 (rice insect) at the company :P) and went to the section training. Then, I rushed off to my first ever transportation paper at Uni. It was so refreshing to get back to study again! Not to mention, I can have student discount too!! The material was rather easy understood, but fast as it combines two undergraduate papers all together. It all makes sense as long as they keep throwing me the math formula (Gee...that sounds so geeky!)
After my three hours lecture, we went for dinner until half way through it, he got a "road rescue" call from his friend. Perfect timing! I was able to fit in another activity - catching up with my Slovak girl friend who happened to be in town for the evening! We went to a bar for some drinks together and then I started to salute Indian food to her friend (he is an Indian) as it has become quite a habit to share my new passion for Indian culture whenever I meet a Indian. Then we went to see the Czech/Slovak film - Lunacy! It was a dream came true to watch a Slovak film with a real Slovak :)
The film was about what's normal, and it was disgustingly funny! There were meats, eyeballs, brains, and tongues all over the place - moving, which was rather disturbing but very cleverly done. For example, my favourite scene was after the main character got put on a restraint jacket by force, the camera slowly moved into a living modern supermarket and gazed on a fresh meat wrapped in plastic wrap - breathing.
The quote of the day had to be this one.
After the movie finished, the guy behind us said...
"So... It's a movie about meat, EH??"
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