Friday, May 27, 2005

Travelling v.s. Being at home

"Do you miss travelling?" She said.
"Eh......Ye...s." I replied tranquilly like I was just continuing a bus conversation.

"YES!!" I screamed silently, in fact. I miss the me who was travelling.

When you are away from home, from everything else you are familiar with, you grow strongly. You look for adventures. You are willing to adapt into anything. You challenge yourself to see how far you can go. You walk out of your comfort zone to experience a whole new different world. Everything is new, different and exciting!! You have to be brave, positive and active either willingly or reluctantly. The nature survival instinct, I guess. You appreciate the differences coz they inspire you. They are like mirrors reflecting your thoughts, who you were, who you are and who you want to be.

One of my friends once asked this question in her Blog.
"Why people stop sending you email updates once they return from their Big OE?"

I think we stop looking for differences but similarities. Security and stability become what we seek for once we come back to our home countries. I guess these are what home stands for. However, unfortunately, we are scared to be different at the same time. We withdraw back to our little nutshell and want to fit in the big society again. You have no excuse to be difference now coz you are at home. Very pathetic? I know. It's rather frustrating, too!

I know keeping running away from home is not the solution. It's the set of mind making me scare to be different and only me can make it okay. We all have the right to be different either away or not, but the expectations from the society, family, friends and most of all, ourselves have kept us away from the freedom of celebrating the differences.

That's why I start this Blog- To make myself be sensitive again to what is inside of me rather than what outer environment makes me.