Sunday, April 30, 2006

A Real Fish

After friends found out the real stories about my so-called winning fishing contest, they all called me pathetic!! This is sad, but in order to prove that with my potential I can win fair and square, I had to officially announce in my blog - I got a real fish!!

After my counselling training, I met up with friends for Salsa dancing! However, I was too whacked to do it, so I sat back with my coffee and watched and THEN... there was this Mexican/Irish/Scottish who came and chatted with me for almost an hour... :P

Okay, guys here is my little gift to all of you - How to make a girl give you her contact detail voluntarily without asking.
  1. Ask her something that she couldn't give you in the instance, such as the address for rock climbing.
  2. Give her your contact detail, such as your business card and tell her that you would really appreciate if she can find that info for you because you have been always wanting to do rock climbing.
  3. Then, the next thing you know, she is contacting you voluntarily through either txt or email.
  4. Mission completed!! You got her contact detail without even asking!!

(See! It's such a smart way. I shall put it into my own fishing practises!!)

I had only been to Salsa classes 3 times, but it was good enough for me to pick up all the move by just watching it and then danced with him fluently after my fish left. After dinner, a group of us came back to town for more Salsa party until 1 am. Hanging out on the street after midnight downtown isn't the most sensible or the safest feeling. I think I am just getting too old for the young lust night out.


Dandelion said...

The new fishing technics has won me 3 return phone calls, 1 email address and a man showing up on my front porch. It's pretty powerful and nature! I am highly recommended

slug said...

What was your fishing technique, from the girl's perspective?

Dandelion said...

Be proactive!! Seize all the possibilities to give out your contact details subtly. Eg. Asking advices and leaving an email address or picking up something for others, so they had to contact you :P