Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Restless, but Fulfilling Life

The talk I gave in the assembly went really well considering how little sleep I got from the night before. The key message I wanted those young girls to take away isn't how great it is to be an engineer, but they can become anyone they want to be. It's okay to feel lost and don't know what they want to be. I didn't know who I wanted to be and I still don't know even I started a career in transportation. However, I believe that there is no right or wrong choices in life because you always learn things on the way.

I came down to Tauranga right after the school visit, and then went straight to do the travel time survey in the afternoon. In order to compensate my hard work, I treated myself a very nice dinner on the waterfront with lovely wine and sunset (with project budget, of course :P). However, the dessert was really disappointing though. After some happy tipsy phone calls, I went to bed early, because I had to get up at 6am the next day to do another survey. There wasn't too much time relaxing or sightseeing afterward neither, because I had to drive all the way back to Auckland. I was so exhausted that even V (energy drink) didn't work on me and I had to keep punching myself on the face and legs to keep myself awake. I was half-dead when I got back to the office and my colleagues reckoned I should have just gone home. However, I really wanted to go to my transition group, so I ended up having a power nap on my desk after doing my assignment.

If I have learn anything in the last two days, then I learn to be humbler.

I came down to Tauranga with all sort of wrong attitudes. I was feeling superior, even arrogant! First, I was very Auckland orientated and thought how it could be possible that Tauranga would have any traffic problems compared with Auckland?! I was very wrong! Another thing I noticed and feel shameful to admit is that I am getting materialistic. (Damn! The evil corporate world has finally corrupted me!) The reason I came down alone and got a surveyor was that it's cheaper! But it doesn't give me the right to estimate how helpful the surveyor could have been based on her hourly charging rate! She was very insightful and I wouldn't have got out so much from my visit if it wasn't her with all that useful local knowledge and life experience. Not to mention, the best lookout place and the best fish & chip in Tauranga!!!

The more surprised I was at the traffic problem and how knowledgeable the surveyor was, the more shameful I felt.